Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Traveling- San Diego and Chicago

 In February 2012 we all met in San Diego for a "family reunion" if you will. It was the first time since our wedding that me and all 4 of my sister were in the same place. And the first time all the cousins got to meet each other. The whole weekend was perfect and memorable. To top it off Grandma Evelyn and Grandpa George drove up from Arizona to meet their Great-Great-Grand kids! It was a very special weekend all.

Nolan's 1st Plane Ride

My cousins
Nolan and Nevia

Nolan and Noah

 Lydia, Nolan, Noah, Michael

First time at the beach and my first steps- they just happened to be in the ocean with bare feet in the sand

My Beautiful Family
Great Great Aunt Loraine and Great Great Uncle Ken

Great Uncle Russell

Shane, Katie, and Julia-2nd Cousins

The Biard Family
Always Happy!!

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