Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meeting my brother

Nolan and daddy came to visit us at the hospital. It was one of my favorite moments in my life so far seeing Nolan meet his little sister and having my family of four all together for the first time. I could not stop smiling, I was glowing on the inside and out.

Nolan did great he came in to the room as a proud new brother and gave his little sister a monkey blanket and Layla gave him new toy cars to play with. All keep kept saying was "baby" and "sister" and staring at her in total awe. Once he was comfortable all he wanted to do was kiss the top of her head.

Seeing my sister for the first time.

My big brother gift from Layla
Look Layla Red Ambulance.
You showed her all your trucks and told her the color of all of them

"Hi Baby"


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