Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Introducing Layla Rose Connor

Born July 22, 2013
7lbs 6 oz
19.5 inches long

All weekend I had been having contractions, a few that I would actually call painful. I knew my doctor would not be in until Monday morning so I was very determined to wait until she was in if my body would allow me to. Monday morning came and it was time to make the phone call. The doctor wanted me to head straight to labor and delivery and get monitored to see how the contractions were looking. No I was not at home going into try labor but my labor was fast with Nolan so when I felt my contractions were becoming consistent even without being painful it was doctor’s orders to call and I am so happy I did.

I made it to the hospital and I was correct I was having 5-6 contractions an hour. So today was the day for you to make your grand entrance into the world! They gave me Pitocin to help pick up the contractions around 12:oo. The doctor broke my water at 12:15 and you arrived exactly about an hour and 45 minutes later at 1:54 PM. Not as fast as your brother but still very fast. Without all the details I only had to push 3 times for you to enter the world. Perhaps you will take life a little slower since you entered the world that way, LOL wishful thinking!

You entered the world with a beautiful healthy cry and received 9 out of 10 on the Apgar scale. When you were born you had a fair amount of bruising due to being born so fast. Already one day later a lot of the swelling has gone down. You have hair all over your head except for on the top, kind of looks like a balding old man but it will grow in and be beautiful! Weighing 7lbs 6 oz and 19.5 inches long you are healthy, a great size and perfect. You nursed right away for about 40 minutes and then fell asleep. It is now 8:00 am on Tuesday and you have not yet eaten since, you have been sleeping ever since. Fingers crossed this sleeping thing is something you enjoy.

Hopefully today you will eat so we don’t have to syringe feed you. This afternoon I am hoping your dad will bring your brother by the hospital. I cannot wait for him to meet you. Welcome to our family baby girl, we love you so much already.

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