Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nolan Potty Training

So Nolan has been potty trained for at least two months now but the things this little boy says cracks me up. It might not be appropriate to blog about but it makes me laugh and I would like to share the memories with him.

When mommy or daddy are using the restroom. Nolan "yeah mommy potty" "yeah daddy potty" while clapping his hands.

Nolan after going potty. Flush "bye bye poo poo"

Going Home

Headed home

Lots of Kisses

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meeting my brother

Nolan and daddy came to visit us at the hospital. It was one of my favorite moments in my life so far seeing Nolan meet his little sister and having my family of four all together for the first time. I could not stop smiling, I was glowing on the inside and out.

Nolan did great he came in to the room as a proud new brother and gave his little sister a monkey blanket and Layla gave him new toy cars to play with. All keep kept saying was "baby" and "sister" and staring at her in total awe. Once he was comfortable all he wanted to do was kiss the top of her head.

Seeing my sister for the first time.

My big brother gift from Layla
Look Layla Red Ambulance.
You showed her all your trucks and told her the color of all of them

"Hi Baby"


Do you think we look alike

It is still early to really see if they look alike but I see similarities.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Introducing Layla Rose Connor

Born July 22, 2013
7lbs 6 oz
19.5 inches long

All weekend I had been having contractions, a few that I would actually call painful. I knew my doctor would not be in until Monday morning so I was very determined to wait until she was in if my body would allow me to. Monday morning came and it was time to make the phone call. The doctor wanted me to head straight to labor and delivery and get monitored to see how the contractions were looking. No I was not at home going into try labor but my labor was fast with Nolan so when I felt my contractions were becoming consistent even without being painful it was doctor’s orders to call and I am so happy I did.

I made it to the hospital and I was correct I was having 5-6 contractions an hour. So today was the day for you to make your grand entrance into the world! They gave me Pitocin to help pick up the contractions around 12:oo. The doctor broke my water at 12:15 and you arrived exactly about an hour and 45 minutes later at 1:54 PM. Not as fast as your brother but still very fast. Without all the details I only had to push 3 times for you to enter the world. Perhaps you will take life a little slower since you entered the world that way, LOL wishful thinking!

You entered the world with a beautiful healthy cry and received 9 out of 10 on the Apgar scale. When you were born you had a fair amount of bruising due to being born so fast. Already one day later a lot of the swelling has gone down. You have hair all over your head except for on the top, kind of looks like a balding old man but it will grow in and be beautiful! Weighing 7lbs 6 oz and 19.5 inches long you are healthy, a great size and perfect. You nursed right away for about 40 minutes and then fell asleep. It is now 8:00 am on Tuesday and you have not yet eaten since, you have been sleeping ever since. Fingers crossed this sleeping thing is something you enjoy.

Hopefully today you will eat so we don’t have to syringe feed you. This afternoon I am hoping your dad will bring your brother by the hospital. I cannot wait for him to meet you. Welcome to our family baby girl, we love you so much already.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Water Fun

Take me out to the Ball Game

Another First, tonight Nolan went to his first baseball game, and it is safe to say it will not be his last. He love it! We went with Brandis and Avelyn our partners in crime.

Every time a song would come on Nolan would start clapping and dancing. The second the music stopped he would say "more song, more song"

Nolan also picked up some new vocabulary. "Ice cold beer" "Margaritas" and "Go Rangers"

Friday, July 19, 2013

Nolan and mommy conversation

This morning I look down at Nolan and this is what I see as I'm getting dressed.

I ask him Nolan what are you doing?

Nolan "lotion mommy lotion"

Monkey see monkey do. This is how mommy puts lotion on my legs. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This smile melts my heart

Full Term 37 weeks

37 weeks
We have officially made it to full term! The last few weeks have been interesting; at my last appointment (36 weeks) the doctor told me that if I feel any contractions consistently even if they don’t hurt to head on up to the hospital. So last Friday we made the call that it was time to head in. We made arrangement for Nolan and headed to Labor and Delivery. Only to be sent home, I was having contractions and they were consistent but not enough to call it labor or induce me at 36 weeks.
My last appointment was yesterday and now that I am full term you can make your arrival safely any day now and if we head to the hospital they will not be sending us home.  I am officially done working as of last week, and while most people would love to not work I am bored out of my mind. The house is clean, errands have been ran, groceries purchased. If I wasn’t pregnant at this time I would love to start my mornings working out. I don’t know how people do it staying home especially if they don’t have kids. What do you do all day that doesn’t require spending money?
How Far Along: 37 weeks
Baby Size: 19 inches,6.5 lbs (size of a Swiss chard)
Total Weight Gain: still under 30lbs
Maternity Clothes: Absolutely!!
Sleep:  I wake up about twice a night and have a very hard time falling back asleep
Best Moment This Week: Knowing you are full term and there is a very small chance of having to go to NICU.  
Miss Anything?  Working out
Movement:  You still move all the time but you are nice and snug so it no longer hurts
Food Cravings:  Food anything except meat. I think I ate 4 bowls of cereal yesterday
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? Nope
Gender: A Girl
Baby Milestone of the week: FULL TERM!! Lungs are fully developed 
Labor Signs:  Yes! I have at least 3 contractions an hour. On a scale of 1-10 they are a 2 nothing that lasts long or is extremely painful. The doctor checked my cervix and I am dilated to 5 cm and 75% effaced already. I could go into labor any day now but I have a feeling you are comfy and plan on waiting another week or so.
Belly Button in or out? It is in but the top of it sticks out and you can see it in my shirts.
Wedding Rings on or off? On- but somedays it is to tight 
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy for the most part but my emotions are little all over the place
Looking Forward To:  Finally going into labor and getting to hold you. We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you into our family! You brother is finally back to saying yes to having a sister and baby in the house.

Nolan Snuggling with his baby sister waiting for her arrival

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

A few things motherhood has taught me.

1.       Motherly love is pure, selfless and unconditional
2.       Not getting a full night sleep is not the end of the world
3.       You can manage a schedule to accomplish anything you want, no excuses you can find or make time
4.       Children watch you to learn how to respond to stress and injuries
5.       Stop and listen to nature or the outside world there are a lot of things we hear with our ears that we never need to see with our eyes
6.       Bodily fluids no longer are gross
7.       There are transcendent moments —when your child walks for the first time or says a new word that is so absolutely breathtaking you cannot believe he is yours—that makes life worth living. These moments are the stuff we were put on this planet to experience.
8.       You are your child’s safety net
9.       Some people say not to hug boys too much. Let’s just put a permanent end to that right here. Hug your kids every chance you get. Squeeze them until they can’t help but notice how much you love them.
10.   It is really important to me to find time to play games, go outside and make memories with my son. I want him to remember his childhood with his mother being involved not as a woman who worked, cleaned, and cooked. I want him to remember the activities we do together and the smile and laughter we share.

Monday, July 8, 2013

35 Weeks

How Far Along: 35 weeks
Baby Size: 18 inches, 5.5 lbs (a honeydew melon)
Total Weight Gain: still under 30lbs
Maternity Clothes: Absolutely!!
Sleep:  I wake up at least once a night
Best Moment This Week: Going to the doctor and finding out the labor process has begun. I get to meet you soon!
Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach
Movement:  You still move all the time but you are nice and snug so it no longer hurts
Food Cravings:  Fruit this week
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? 
Gender: A Girl
Baby Milestone of the week: kidneys are fully developed and liver can process waste. Now time to just finish putting on your last few pounds.  
Labor Signs:  Yes! I have at least 1-2 contractions an hour. On a scale of 1-10 they are a 2 nothing that lasts long or is extremely painful. The doctor checked my cervix and I am dilated to 3 cm and 50% effaced already. Hold on to 37 weeks little girl
Belly Button in or out? It is in but the top of it sticks out and you can see it in my shirts.
Wedding Rings on or off? On- but somedays it is to tight             
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy for the most part but my emotions are little all over the place
Looking Forward To:  Meeting you but I am scared to death to go into labor on my own and not make it to the hospital on time.

Me and my daddy

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Impromptu Sunflower patch

We were driving and saw this and we had to stop and explore

Anyone need their car washed

This weekend my boys were doing some chores together and cleaning daddy's truck

Monday, July 1, 2013

Baby Girl's Quilt

As we get closer to meeting our baby girl I decided to take on a quick quilting project. I have sewn a lot of projects before but this is my first official “quilt” where I quilted everything together and did the binding! Can’t wait to see her playing on it!