Monday, May 13, 2013

3rd Trimester here we come

It is hard to believe I am headed into my third trimester and we will be welcoming our little girl into our arms in a few months. The Texas summer heat is starting to arrive but for the most part it has been very mild so far. We have set lows for the month of May being 36 degrees! While being pregnant it can stay as cold as it wants for as long as it wants because summer will be here soon enough.

We just celebrated Mother’s Day and I cannot express enough how incredible my life is being a mother to Nolan Michael Connor. I am in awe everyday on how wonderful you are. You like to test your limits as we approach the terrible two but for the most part you are a well-mannered little boy. This weekend we played at the park a lot and you are officially at the age where you can go up and down by yourself while mommy and daddy watch you from a park bench. You love the slide and go up and down up and down. When you were first born I would describe being a mother as “he just makes my world stand still” and almost two years later I can still say when I am with you I feel at ease and like my world is standing still. I just want to soak in every smile, laugh and giggle of yours while smiling back at you. I tell you all the time you are so smart and you really are. You will repeat everything we say and you retain the information. It is so much fun to watch and you make us so proud.

You are very excited to be a big brother. You touch my belly often and refer to it as your sister while saying love you, goodnight baby, and sister. I can’t not wait to see you with her and the bond the two of you will have. You are going to be such a proud and helpful big brother. I have no doubt that you will protect her and teach her everything you know. I picture you now holding her hand patiently showing her how do things as she learns. And then on the other side I know that you are going to want your own space and she is not always going to get to follow you around.

How Far Along: 28 weeks
Baby Size: 15 inches, 2-3 pounds (the size of a head of cauliflower)
Total Weight Gain: 18 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Absolutely!!
Sleep: The first two trimesters were not bad but this last week that has changed. You are officially training me for what it is going to be like waking up all night with you.
Best Moment This Week: You are a little wiggle worm. You have non stop dance parties at all hours of the day and night.
Miss Anything?  Today I miss heels. Summer is coming and I am not a fan of dresses with flip flops but my heels can wait as I carry you around for a few more weeks.
Movement: All day everyday, wiggle wiggle wiggle
Food Cravings:  I still like ice cream and sweets but I like those when I’m not pregnant too, nothing unusual.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? Not this time around
Gender: Girl!
Baby Milestone of the week: If you were born today your lungs are developed enough that you would be in our arms soon after a few days in NICU
Labor Signs: You move so much I am trying to decide if they are Braxton Hicks contractions or just you running out of room. You do take my breath away sometimes.
Belly Button in or out? It is in but the top of it sticks out and you can see it in my shirts.
Wedding Rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, but I am definitely feeling more emotional.  
Looking Forward To: Meeting you, I think about it everyday. I cannot wait to see if you will have the same eyes and smile as your brother.

A few pictures from this weekend also

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