Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trip to Sun City West

In a last minute decision we made a trip to Sun City West, Arizona to visit Great Grandma Eveyln, Great Grandpa George and Uncle Matt. Grandma Dawn, Aunt Maizi, Aunt Nellie, Michael, Lydia, and Noah were also able to make the trip. It was a wonderful weekend spent hanging out and visiting.
As a kids I got to spend a lot of time with my Great Grandma Nellie. We would go over to her house and play and one of the things we always did when we were there was feed the birds on her patio. Well while in Arizona Nolan got to have the same experience with his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. By Sunday afternoon after we were done eating lunch Nolan said “eat birds, eat” he knew that it was time to go outside and feed the birds our scraps from lunch.  It was true proud moment for me as his mother watching him get this quality time in with his grandparents.
Great Grandma Evelyn and Nolan looking for birds and bunnies

All of us at Grandma's Quilt Show
Lydia at Grandmas quilt show

Grandma Dawn, Nolan and Aunt Maizi

 Grandma Dawn and Nolan

 Lydia and Nolan going for a walk

 The Boys

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