Thursday, July 30, 2015

Summer time kids fun

Kids Birthday Weekend

Superhero Birthday Party


The room before we transformed it! 

When everyone walked in we handed them this card that explained to them their "Training Program"
Games we played

Identity Station 
Tattoo Parlor
Superhero Masks
Coloring Pages
Frisbee Making (Captain America Shields)
Superhero ID Badge

Target Practice
Pin the spider on the web
Strike out the Villain

Flying, Strength & Speed
Bounce House
Batcave/DareDevil Tunnel Crawl
Hulk Smash

Brain Power
Guess How Many...

Tattoo Parlor

Superhero Masks

Superhero I.D. Cards

Shield Making 

Target Practice
Pin the Spider on the Web

Strike out the Villain 

Flying, Strength & Speed
Bounce House

Batcave/DareDevil Tunnel Crawl

Hulk Smash

Brain Power
Guess How Many

Once they completed all the games they got a Superhero Academy Certificate