Wednesday, December 4, 2013

4 Months Old-Layla Rose

Where have the last 4 months gone. The life of a mommy is hard work, whether you are full time working mom or a stay at home mom- IT IS HARD WORK! But it is the best job I have ever had and would not trade it for anything in the world. My house is rarely clean, the laundry is piled up and we need groceries in our fridge but we are happy, healthy and blessed in so many ways.
Layla Rose I never knew how big my heart was capable of being until you entered my life. You have taught me so many things about myself in these last four months that I did not even know I could do. I have learned that as long as I get 5 hours of sleep I am good to go, 4 hours I’m tired 5 hours I can make it through the day. I prioritize what is important and what can wait, and usually if it waits it means it will not get done. For example your bottles must get made every night before bed and clothes laid out on the bed for daddy to dress you and take you to school, the laundry can wait because we have more than enough clothes for all of us in the house. You have taught your brother a thing or two about patience whether he likes it or not because he can’t always come first anymore.
Enough about me, now time to talk about you! You love to eat, you are a very good eater and healthy baby. At your 4 month checkup you weighed 14.8lbs (65% for weight) 25.25 inches long (79% height). You currently wear size 6 months in clothes. You started daycare on October 23rd and for the first 30 days you had a very hard time sleeping at school. Your temperament was fine you would just sleep about 45 minutes in a 9 hour period and it made me very worried. Since talking with your teachers you are making improvements and have settled in. You love to be swaddled still but there are moments you let me know you want your hands out of the blanket. Your favorite toys are your elephant, keys and butterfly. You love to hold objects in your hands and put them in your mouth. You like objects that are soft whether it is a blanket or a toy you like to hold and snuggle them, it is your security blanket. We put you in the jumper and you love it, you also spend a lot of time sitting in your bumbo chair. You can roll over on your own from tummy to back but you have not gone from back to tummy yet. You don’t sit on your own but you can sit in the tripod position for a few seconds before falling to the side. The doctor didn’t believe me that you could do that already and he said it was a 6 month milestone-you are ahead of the game already.
Technically you can start rice cereal and food but I am going to wait closer to 5-6 month mark before I introduce them. You are not hurting in any way for food in your life baby girl. Currently you sleep in the pack in play in the toy room. You wake up around 3:00 to eat and then get up by 6:00 to start the day. As soon as you start sleeping through the night I will move you into your own crib in your room.
You are very smiley and love to see where your daddy is. You have started to laugh and you babble all the time. Daddy said it is an indication of what is to come but I think you just want to share what happened in your day with us.
We love you to the moon and back!

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