Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Nolan 4 years old

Nolan Michael,

Today you turned 4 years old. The little boy that made me a mommy is growing into a very fine young man! This last year has been filled with much joy, smiles and laughter. With that said it has also been a year full of tantrums, fits and tears. While the good days out weigh the bad I am happy to say good bye to the terrible threes and hello to the Fantastic FOURs. In the last year not only have you grown off the charts in height but you have learned so much. You can know who to count to almost 50, you know all your letters, we can say words and you know what they start with and we are starting to sound out words and identify words when we read our books. You tried soccer for the first time this spring. You had fun with your best friend Tucker running around. I think you were most excited to put on your shin guards, tall socks and that your jersey had a dinosaur on it. You have always been a great big brother but in the last few months you have told me that it is your job to take care of Layla as your sister. You have started to come out of your shy shell and are more comfortable talking to people you don't know. At swimming this week you started talking about how you have a little sister named Layla and how much you love her and take care of her. It made me beyond proud. We say our prayers every night and talk about God, Heaven, Jesus and all of our blessings. You ask me if Jesus is the boom boom in your heart and how Dolce and Great Grandpa George are in there too. 

Nolan you are a gentle soul with an soft and loving soul. You are witty and silly all at the same time. I could not be more proud as your mom for the young man you are becoming. I love you more than you will ever know. Happy Birthday Nolan.

Love, Mom

Four Years Old (all answered by you)
1. What is your favorite color? Red and blue 
2. What is your favorite toy? Spiderman 
3. What is your favorite stuffed animal? A tiger and a lion (pretty sure you just name 2 animals because you don't have either of these as a stuffed animal)
4. What is your favorite thing to sleep with? Yellow and green blanket 
5. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries
6. What is your favorite cereal? Circle cereal (captain crunch)
7. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Sausage and cereal 
8. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Chicken and French fries 
9. What is your favorite dessert? Vanilla ice cream 
10. What is your favorite drink? Milk and apple juice 
11. What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? Hamburgers 
12. What is your favorite animal? Tiger and lion 
13. What is your favorite book? My truck is stuck
14. What is your favorite song? Itsy bitsy spider 
15. What is your favorite game? Puzzles 
16. What is your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse 
17. What is your favorite movie? Planes 
18. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with me truck 
19. Who is your best friend? Tucker and Travis 
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Spiderman

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The summer is here

We have had a family of Rabbits in our backyard all spring. Here is one of the babies, they aren't even scared of us

Eating Breakfast in style 

The rain is gone time to play in the backyard!

Rain Rain Go AWAY

Its been raining for the last 30 days! So we have to do what we can to keep busy
Puddle Jumping

Just hanging out in the backyard eating your snack

Wall sits with Daddy

Head to Brunch

Oh, I'm not supposed to be playing in Daddy's wallet

Big shoes to fill

Me and my daddy

Reading books

Assistant buyers

Singing while I clean the floors 

Layla 18mo Stats

I'm way behind on these Layla Rose but they will still be out here for you!

18 month Check up
Weight 26 lbs 71%
Length 33.5 inches 90%
Head Circumference 19.25 95%