Saturday, March 29, 2014

Turning 30

It's hard to believe I have been around for 3 decades now. It I asked myself when I was 20 where I would be in 10 years I would have said "married, with kids, and had a good career." I am so proud to say that I'm exactly where I want to be but I did not know I would feel so complete. Everyone keeps asking me what I want for my birthday and the truth is I have everything I want and need in my life. The material stuff comes and goes but my family and kids are my world. Just spending time with them is what I want. Adding other close friends and family to the mix are the cherry on top. I'm thankful for my health, our safety, and have a foundation of faith and love under us. I never ever say it enough and for the next decade I'm going to make it my goal to tell those that I love how thankful I am to have them in my life and really focus on the nonmaterialistic things in life. I love helping others and doing random acts of kindness. I do it for nothing more than to make someone else smile and show them there are still good people who do nice things and with the hope they will pay it forward and remind someone else if being kind.

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