Friday, January 24, 2014

Layla Rose- 6 months

How blessed we have been for God to have allowed us to be your parents sweet baby girl. You are officially half way to one! Here is a little about what you are doing these day. About a week ago you officially sat on your own with no assistance. The same day you decided to sit on your own you also decided you can stand as long as you are holding on to something. Not pull yourself up and stand but stand holding on. You absolutely hate to be on your stomach. You can roll over but usually only do so when I first put you on your stomach or if you are screaming at the top of your lungs. You have started to scoot on your tummy, yes I still make you go on your tummy even though you hate it, and you usually turn around a full 180 degrees. You have started eating baby food and all fruits are your favorites- apples, pears, and bananas. You will eat the vegetables but you are never disappointed when they are gone. Yesterday, I put you in your highchair for the first time. You are not sleeping through the night, you actually wake up about two times still.

Toys, Toys, Toys, you love to have something in your hands at all times so you can put it in your mouth. I would say your butterfly rattle is your favorite one. If we put the ball that spins or your piano in front of you, you can reach out and make it spin and hit the keys. Nolan loves to have you in the playroom with him. As you will see when you look at pictures you are always surrounded by trucks, he takes out every single one and shows you what they are, tells you their color, and shows you their sounds. You sit there and laugh and smile at him. Its a tough call on who makes you smile more daddy or Nolan. Either way they both are always looking out for you and you will always be well protected.

Songs- you love to be sung to "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "You are my sunshine" are what I sing to you most.

Books- We read all kinds and you don't have a favorite right now

Food- I would say bananas

Toy-Butterfly rattle

Object- you like anything soft and fuzzy particularly your blankets.

Appearance- You are still our little turkey but are starting to thin out. You have BIG brown eyes, a beautiful smile with dimples, and very little hair on your head. At your 6 month doctors appointment your statistics are Weight: 16lbs 11oz (63%), Height 26 inches (58%), and Head Circumference is 17 inches (70%).

Personality: Layla Rose you are the sweetest little girl I could ask for. You love to play, smile and laugh. But when you need something or are upset you have no problem making sure you are heard by everyone until you get what you want. You are always looking to see what is going on in the room and where Nolan and Daddy are. When you find them you always get a HUGE smile on your face and giggle.

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