Monday, October 28, 2013

Where did football go?

Are you ready for some football!! Tonight we are flipping back and forth from Monday night football and the voice. Everytime we had the voice on Nolan sat up and said "football daddy, where football" as we are watching the game his commentary consists of "running" "miss" and "catch" along with frequent round of applauses.

You make mommy and daddy very proud Nolan Michael. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Back to Work I go

Yesterday was my first day back to work and the best way to sum it up is I have mixed feelings. I have absolutely loved my last 12+ weeks at home with my children. I have enjoyed caring for them, loving them, and spending great quality time together as a family. I loved being home taking care of my house, the laundry and meals. I never thought I would have felt that way but it was the first time in a while I was just relaxed and didn't feel overwhelmed but all that had to get done. It wasn't the type of maternity leave where I sat in my PJs all day. I was very productive and did lots of activities with the kids and friends. I got a little taste of what it would be like to be a stay at home mommy and I can honestly say it is something I could do. I have worked very hard to be where I am at in my career but I would give it all up in a second to be with my two babies as Nolan would say and to take care of my husband and family.

With that being said the bills still have to get paid so here I am back at work. Luckily for me I love my job and company I work for so the transition is very easy. I am so thankful I do work for a company that allowed me to take such a long maternity leave and to have that time with my children.

A little update on where they are at in their lives and milestones:

Nolan- is 28 months and all boy. To define all boy he loves to be outside, run around, get dirty and rough play. He loves playing basketball, football and baseball with us. If he sees a ball "heads up" because it will be thrown at you. If you don't catch it he will call you out and say "miss."  You still love to read probably more than ever, sometimes mommy reads and sometimes you tell me "Nono (as you call yourself) read" it my favorite when you read. Your favorite books these days are growing. You still love Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Little Blue Truck and Dinosaur Roar. Since it is fall we have been reading alot of pumpkin books these days. You have got your bedtime routine down we eat dinner, take a bath, PJs, get a small snack and milk and you can watch a little TV or a movie. Lately when I say "Nolan time for bed" you look at me and hold up your hand and say "5 minutes" it makes me laugh because you have picked up on mommy and daddy telling you, 10 minutes, 5 minutes and 2 minutes when you ask for something. You are fully potty trained at school but only go #2 at home. 

Layla Rose- where do I begin with you. You are 14 weeks old and started daycare this week when I went back to work. You seem to be doing great, you haven't slept too much at school but I don't blame you there is a lot of new things in there and it's your first time around other crying babies. The first day I dropped you off there was a baby fussing in the swing and you just stared at him with a look of "hey, I'm supposed to be the one crying here" it was so cute! You are a good baby, yes more fussy than your brother was but daddy says that’s a girl thing and you just know what you want. You are a very good eater, which is not too hard to see based on those beautiful cheeks you have. You are smiling and laughing all the time. This morning when I was getting ready for work you were laying on the bed babbling so I know talking is right around the corner. You are so in love with your brother. Not only is he in complete awe of you but you are in complete awe of him too. You watch his every move with your serious eyes. I know you are ready to play with him. When you start to cry he no longer says "mommy, baby crying" he now goes up to you and kisses you and says "its okay baby" or he gives you his blanket, or your pacifier.

I would say your favorite things right now are to be sung to, you love music and your soft blankets. You prefer your blankets as close to your face as possible but we have to watch that with you because you are still pretty little and can’t pull it off your face if you cover yourself up. We have been putting toys in front of you and you are reaching for them. You like the snail toy that has a mirror in it.

You enjoy bath time too. You aren’t sleeping thru the night yet but you have been sleeping for about 5 hours at a time. I’m hoping soon you will give mommy a break. But if you need to wake up and eat I am more than happy to take care of you, feed you and love you. I wouldn’t trade those hours in for anything. They are very special to me.
I love you both so very much and definitely miss you while I’m at work but I know you are in very good hands at school and that you both love being there.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Football Season

This is from last football season but its my favorite video of Nolan

In our house sports are always on TV. Nolan plays while daddy watches the game. John usually says “Good Catch, Good Catch” Nolan started picking this up. So one night I showed Nolan how to say Touch Down!!

Nolan around 16 months old 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goodnight Nolan

One of my favorite parts of the day is putting Nolan to bed. No, not because we get a little peace and quiet but because I love the conversations we have and what I learn new about him.

We always read books together and brown bear brown bear is his absolute favorite. I don't even read it anymore, he does and he knows what comes next before I even turn the page. Tonight while reading "dinosaur roar" he did the same thing he knew almost all the words. It is such an incredible feeling to see the pureness of your child and watching them soak knowledge. 

Then to top off my night I asked him to spell his name and with out skipping a beat he said N-O-L-A-N. 

I am a very proud mommy of my 28 month old. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall projects

Welcome door post and sign 

Wooden block pumpkins 

Front entry way

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The last wave of visitors

This last weekend we had our last wave of visitors. While I would love to say save the best for last, that would be unfair. We have been so blessed to have so many visitors come meet Layla and visit us all summer. I am grateful for every trip each of our guests made and wish we could see everyone more often.

This last weekend we got to see Grandpa Bill, Aunt Sheila, Mike, Aunt Jane, Uncle Jason and Nevia. The weekend was wonderful. We went to the state fair, Perot Museum and splash park. Not only did we get out and see a lot of Dallas and get to share those memories with the kiddos but we had great laughter and stories the whole weekend. Did I mention we ate lots and lots of food!


Starting to smile

My Little Ones