Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Turkey Day

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Houston with the Connor side of the family. It was a wonderful and much needed trip. It was the 1st time Nolan went to Houston, he accomplished a lot in one trip: he got to meet all 15 of his cousins, he met his Aunt Jan for the first time and met his great grandma and great grandpa.

This trip was also special because we were able to spend a lot of time with John’s dad and Nolan had a blast with his Papa and going to see his Papa’s cows. John has always told me how he grew up going out to the land and taking care of the cows. I got to see it a few years back when we were dating but nothing can compare to how special it was sharing this moment with our son.

Here is Nolan feeding the cows in Papa’s truck, as you can see this cow is very friendly.